Enneagram Workshops

Essential Wholeness Enneagram

Realising Your Essential Wholeness

Learn about your personality type, your essential qualities of being, how to embrace your hero’s journey and more. 


Enneagram of process and of personality types
Joseph Cambell's myth as roadmap for therapy
continuing education, essential wholeness, Almaas


Introduction to the Enneagram – The Essential Wholeness Perspective

The benefits of learning the Enneagram:

It provides us with clear descriptions of nine personality types and their associated coping mechanisms, belief systems and perceptual biases.

Through understanding these habitual tendencies, we can wake up out of the automatic conditioned responses that form your ego’s false identity.

By bringing these unconscious processes into consciousness, you become conscious of your true nature and your full potential to evolve and grow.

The Enneagram also has the potential to deepen your understand and compassion for others. By learning other people’s style of language, you can avoid unnecessary conflict and engage in more harmonious and productive conversations with family, friends and work-related relationships.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • how to use the Enneagram to as Ken Wilber says to wake up, grow up and clean up.  In other words, open to your enlightened nature, evolve to your fullest capacity, and heal your wounds that limit your potential. 
  • a systemic understanding of personality.
  • the nine phases of evolutionary change and it’s relationship to Spiral Dynamics.
  • how to stay in the flow of what Dr. Dan Siegel, MD the ‘River of Integration’.
  • about your relationship with self-preservation, social and sexual instincts.
  • the effects of stress and security on different types.
  • the three centres: Head, Gut and Heart.
  • the importance of the three levels of consciousness: human, soul and spirit.
  • the importance of trusting in your essential qualities of being: peace, mindfulness, compassion, strength, forgiveness, spaciousness, acceptance, joy and will.


The Hero’s Journey of Self-Realisation

The Enneagram map of transformation

Heroes start out as ordinary people who because of a tragedy, crisis, or an irresistible opportunity, go in search of a better life. In order to meet challenges and overcome obstacles they must unearth qualities and abilities they didn’t know they had. Anyone who has felt let down by a parent, lover, health or any aspect of life is a prospective hero. We can discover ways of rewriting stories of victimisation into tales of transformation and self-realisation that can bring greater meaning and purpose to our lives. Psychotherapy can be an invitation to, and facilitation of, that heroic journey.

You will benefit through discovering:

  • how Joseph Campbell’s mythic model of a positive psychology maps onto the Enneagram.
  • how Buddha’s journey to enlightenment can be a guidebook for your awakening. 
  • the framework helps you evolve from victim to hero consciousness.
  • ways heroic myths can serve as antidotes to self-defeating myths.
  • the power of metaphors.
  • how each step of your journey helps you access and own a different aspect of your whole self.
  • how each of the nine personality types when traumatised tends to get stuck in cycles of avoidance at one phase of their own hero-like psychotherapeutic journey.


Essential Qualities of Being

The Enneagram figure can also be thought of as a representation of the way things are. The circle represents wholeness and it is essentially empty or can be called clear light. The wholeness is then divided into nine aspects. If the whole of being is clear light, then, when form manifests out of emptiness, it can be seen in nine different hues. This is similar to white light being divided up along a continuum into seven colors after passing through a prism.

In his book Pearl Beyond Price, an integration of spirituality and psychotherapy, A.H. Almaas delineates nine essential qualities of being: Consciousness, Compassion, Strength, Forgiveness, Space, Acceptance, Joy, Will, and Peace. These qualities are merely different faces of love and what are sometimes referred to as qualities of soul. These qualities are what we naturally draw upon to address challenges in our lives. Chronic or recurring problems are often the result of losing touch with these qualities.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • to access and utilise essential qualities
  • utilise deficient emptiness to access the emptiness of infinite potential
  • the therapeutic use of hopelessness
  • to work with the mystery of
  • the power of radical acceptance
  • the Forgiveness Process
  • how to really get to the bottom of problems
  • how emotional wounds are gateways to the essential qualities
  • how to convert demons into allies
  • pain does not need to equal suffering